onsdag den 18. juni 2014

Full Time to Floatin'... Under The Sea

Logging into Second Life, I usually find myself doing the same thing over and over again. Let's face it.. Shopping is somewhere around the top of that list.
So experiencing something completely new; visiting a new place, meeting new people, is something I haven't really taken the time to do lately. Speaking to my loved ones, I notice that it's the same with them.
Even in a place like SL, where every option is available with a single search and teleport, we find ourselves in the same club, at the same beach, with the same people. At least we know that those places and people are awesome, right?

Well, here is my advice for you. Do you want to see something truly spectacular? Then the magnificent ruins of an ancient atlantean style civilisation awaits you.
Nestled beneath the sprawling waters of The Blake sea, from Acropolis style monuments to the caves and houses of the Mer people, the sea bed of The Blake has something to make even the most well-travelled avatar stop and stare. 
As well as the various buildings and caves, The Blake is also filled with wildlife.
Sharks (no lazers), Octopi (can we just call them octopuppies?), Turtles and so much more, can all be found swimming freely around the bright blue waters. You might even spot a mermaid or two.
So snap on your swimsuit, flappers and goggles, strap on your oxygen tank and go for a swim under the waves.

You might just be surprised.

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