lørdag den 8. marts 2014

Coats Coats Coats...

First, I'd like to apologize for not having updated the blog in such a long time. Life is busy, First AND Second. But hopefully, there will now be time to add the blog back into the mix that is everyday.
But every day is great and I will certainly not complain ♥
Now, onto the matter at hand. COATS.
Why on earth do I own so many Second Life coats and then live on a tropical beach? I'll tell you why.. Cause both things are absolutely stunning. But let's focus on the coats for now.
On this particular one, it was the lace collar that got me all excited. I mean, look at it. It's freaking gorgeous.

Head: Nea  by Snow Rabbit (Natural White)

Hands: Elegant 1 by Slink

Coat: Poe's Lady Coat by Itty Bitty Boop

Bow: Lil' Miss Minnie Hair Bow (Limited Edition!) by Itty Bitty Boop

Cat: Zooby Ultimate Black Cat 9.0 by Zooby

Hair: MAIKO updo hairstyle by Tuty's (blonde)

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