onsdag den 5. februar 2014

Snow Queen

"Boys get discovered as winter melts,
Flowers competing for the sun,
Years go by and I'm here still waiting,
Withering where some snowman was"

Do you love the snow? Do you hate it?
I'll admit, that as I'm looking out the window on the slight amount still covering the ground,
that I by far prefer the snow of Second Life.
All the prettiness and none of the cold.
One of the perfect places to experience this, would in my opinion be Inspiration Point.
The home of Tee*Fy, The Secret Store and Kirin.
Might as well do a little shopping while enjoying the scenery, right?

Inspiration Point (128, 127, 34) - General

Head: Nea  by Snow Rabbit (Natural White)

Hands: Elegant 1 by Slink

Hand tattoo: Slink Birds by Your Cocain

Outifit: Snow Queen Outfit by Caverna Obscura 

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