tirsdag den 4. februar 2014


"Yes sir, that's my baby
No sir, I don't mean maybe
Yes sir, that's my baby now"
- Gus Kahn

One of my favourite places in Second Life, has become Seraph City. This place of amazing beauty was introduced to me by a dear friend. To me it gives off the vibe of the 1920's, so stop by and visit the theater, watch the sunset, feed the alligator that lures in the sewers or simply dance a charleston with your loved one.

Seraph City (68, 237, 106) - Moderate

Shape: Christelle by NoYa (modified)

Skin: Cleo Europa 10F by Glam Affair

Hands: Elegant 1 by Slink

Dress: Scandal Dress by Volstead

Hair: Claudette by Wasabi Pills (Blonds pack)

Make-up: Smokey Eyes by NoYa & Lipstick Basics by {Tilly}

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